Sunday, January 8, 2012


12-26TH September.2010
What it is!
-        It is a global organization aiming at training leaders for the multiplying of disciples so that the world will know Jesus.
-        It has got 3 facets:-
1.       Multiplying of Disciples
2.       Mobilizing workers-called global access
3.       Developing leaders-called global lead, these train
-        Global Disciples has these stages
1.       Proposed program          :-
2.       Developing program       :-Leadership training ,program proposal
-Program budget, a member is given.
3.       Candidate program         :-After launching its discipleship mission training.
-operate as GDT vision and criteria
-local accountability sustainability and reproductively
-contribute 2% to annual budget of GDT to help others around the world. This continues for 2 to 3 years.
4.       Member program            :-Once approved, program Directors have the opportunity to
 Participate in decisions, about GDT alliance.
5.       GDT Alliance Seed fund :-is supported by contributions from participating programs and donations.
-        What next?
1.       Formation of a mission programme.
¨       Tiyende global missions (training school)
¨       Enroll 15 trains for 10 days send for 20 days.
2.       Write a programme or project proposal.
3.       Write a programme budget.
¨       49% GDT
¨       51 %Local Churches.
-        Programme proposal.
¨       Enroll 15 people
¨       Train 10 days
¨       Send for 20 days
¨       Venue, Balastone Dynamic worship centre.
¨       Dates, 15th Nov to 25th Nov, 2010 training.
      26th Nov to 16th Dec, 2010 sending
-        Programme Budget.
¨       15 people 10 days, 20 days sending.